Amazing Balgo
We went out to the ‘pound’ to see the sunset. The colours in the hills are breathtaking.

Sunset with the gazillion flies 🦟

Story time at play group

Dressing up in the cooks costume. It was soooo hot but she didn’t want to take it off.

We had a games day for senses day. We played some water games to try to keep coolish!!!

It always makes me smile when I see how many people can fit in and on a car.

Our Balgo crew decided to have a night out. We only needed to drive 3 hours on a dirt road to get to Halls Creek! We stayed over night and drove back the next morning. I was excited to get some cold water in the shower. In Balgo the cold water is hot because the pipes are under the ground and the ground is hhhhoooottttt! 🥵🥵

Rain on the Tanami. Only a little bit but the picture looks amazing

Each Saturday we go to mass. I always take a large bottle of cold water for the children. This little poppet was enjoying the ice cold water 💦
Loving the photos thank you Michelle!