Accepted into the community
Little Hoppy is keeping me company, but not sure I went him looking after my toothbrush!!
Loving the smell of my soap!!
Such an amazing experience at Mass last week. We were given a blessing by the community. It was so hot so the doors were open. Even the town dogs seek shelter in this oppressive heat.
Magda, one of the Elders blessing me. I will never forget this experience. So special.
It finally rained if only for 5 minutes. But when it comes down it really comes down.
Heading up one of the hills in the ‘pound ‘

These lovely mats are right through the school. This one is at Play Group
These lovely mats are right through the school. This one is at Play Group
Play group set up before the families arrived. I spend 2 days organising Play Group. This is such an important time for the children to learn to sit and to learn some English, ready for school 🏫
When you play hard there is nothing better than sleeping it off. Sooo cute
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