School Holidays Broome

Off to Broome for the April School holidays This is the turnoff to Balgo from the Tanami Track. From here it is 30km to Balgo, you couldn't miss this turnoff sign!!! 600 km on dirt/gravel/rock roads and the tyre punctured on the bitumen!!! When we took the car back to Halls Creek to get the puncture fixed we saw another tyre that had a screw in it. So luckily we were able to get both tyres fixed and then it was on our way 43 degrees and it felt like it! Along the Tanami Track there is a turn off to the Wolfe Creek Crater. It was made 300,000 years ago and it is the second biggest crater in the world. I was pleased that I hadn't seen the film Wolfe Creek when we visited this area!! From Halls Creek we travelled up Duncan's Rd which was another very bumpy gravel road. We stopped at Palm Springs which was an oasis in a very hot desert! Further along Duncan's Rd was Sawpit Gorge. Another amazing Kimberley go...