AT SCHOOL One week in 5, the pool man goes out of community for a break. This is when we take the kids outside to play some water games. Here we are playing limbo with the water stream. The slip and slide is one of their favorites. The days have been over 40 a lot, so the kids are happy to get wet before they leave for home. Just before the Football grand final, Warrick was doing some spelling words with the letters and he made 'Go Tigers" so I made Go Cats. Most of the people in Balgo follow the Eagles or the Dockers with a small spattering of the other teams. There is even a couple of Geelong supporters in town. I took my class out on Country to see the dreaming of the two rocks. This is a dreaming story of 2 boys and their mother who walked around the Kimberley. When they got tired the boys turned into the two rocks. This is a picture of the two rocks..... and lots of desert! Cleaning up Country is very important and on this day we cle...