A break from the red dirt

Around Community The community can buy these blow up swim toys at the pool. Henriqua and Jimmy enjoyed playing on their strawberry today. On our way out of community we came across this overturned truck. It has been there for a week or so apparently. Not sure how this happened but it added a bit of interest to the long 3 hour drive.🚚 On these hot days Rusty can be found close to his water bowl. He left his ear in it this time!!! IN THE CLASSROOM On Fridays I bring Rusty into the classroom. The kids really like him coming in and he gets the required amount of cuddles. On Thursdays we cook. This week we made eyeballs!!! We were reading the Big Book called 'Monsters', so I thought we would make some scary eyeballs. These are made from eggs cut in half with food colouring to make the veins and pupils. The kids had fun with this and even enjoyed scaring the Principal when he came in for a look. (Of course the Principal was told to react accord...