So much to do, so little time!!!

AROUND COMMUNITY Our Friday pizza night has brought on new games. This one is called Catan and is lots of fun. Jeff was left holding the baby!!! While a mother was being treated at the clinic from about 2am to 7am, little Elton spent some time with Jeff. They gooed and garred together and became great mates. This family called into the clinic for an eye dropper to feed this young joey after they killed the mother for tucker.😆 Rusty is enjoying his time in our classroom. Kamus' hand provided a nice pillow for a very pampered pooch!! Sunday sewing afternoon with some of the teachers. We were making black skirts for the Elders who are entering a competition for Indigenous dancing. We used a black sheet as fabric is very hard to come by up here. One of our local painters Gary Njamme enjoys painting AFL teams on canvas. After my Cats one last year Jeff thought he would get one. OFF TO CAMP. 4 NIGHTS ON THE ORD RIVER NEAR KUNUNURRA The kids enj...