A busy end to Term 2

CULTURE LESSONS AT THE WAKALA CENTRE Each term we do a Culture topic. This term it was around family and relationships. The children were being told by Cathy an Elder, about their ‘skin’ names. Each person has a skin name which dictates who they can marry. Jeff and I have been given skin names which of course line up. I am Napurrula and Jeff is Tjapanangka. Kamus was interested in the old tools and weapons which are housed in this building. It is called the Wakala Centre and it is essentially the Balgo museum. It’s a great place to get lost for a while. CULTURE AFTERNOON AT OLD BALGO 50 odd years ago the township of Balgo as we know it didn’t exist. Old Balgo is about 30 km away. This was a mission where desert aboriginals were picked up and taken here. The children were put into the mission school and were told not to speak their language. The children were only allowed to see their families...