Lock Down

THE OFFICAL POOL OPENING After being used since about March last year, the pool was finally officially opened. We lined all the kids up on the edge to jump in together. The gentleman in the water was a cameraman from ABC Kimberley. It was his idea to line the kids up to jump in together. He was then surprised that his camera got wet......very wet..ha ha!! The ribbon was cut by one of the Elders of the community and the local parliamentarian. Jeff and I enjoy a dip which always involves being set upon by the kids, which we enjoy. We also go lap swimming a couple of mornings a week. Jeff has found a new volunteer job of cooking the Saturday night sausage sizzle at the pool. The dogs know that he is a soft touch. Needless to say, they go home with happy tummies!!! OUT AND ABOUT IN THE COMMUNITY The walk to the airstrip was a bit much for this little cutie. Dion enjoyed showing Jeff...