Rain, glorious rain!!

Jeff, the teachers aide!! On the day before school started I coerced Jeff into coming into my classroom to help. Little did he know that the list was quite long. Here Jeff is scratching off some paint from the pencils to write the child's name on each pencil. He looks like he is enjoying this job!! Day One of school. The children are cutting out the letters to go onto their pencil cases. It certainly was a calmer start to the year than it was last year. No one was hiding in cupboards or picking a fight. I hope this continues for the year!! Each morning the children line up in their grades and do Breathe, Blow, Cough. We had a good turnup for day 1......but it has been all downhill from there!! My class is behind the blue bucket. Each Thursday afternoon, we cook. Today was our first attempt. Jeff came in to help with pancakes. This was his group for the activity and he kept the kids busy making sur...