Week 2, 8 to go!! Not counting much!!

Such an unusual sight......Clouds!!! Not only is the dirt red but the rain in the clouds had a red tinge. You probably can't see if from the photo, but it was!!! This is the little Balgo office where Jeff will be working. I'm looking forward to Jeff coming up..(.Shhhhh, just don't tell him how hot it is up here ) The children were having a music lesson where they got to play lots of different instruments. Drums are their favourite. The children are always drumming pencils and anything else they get their hands on that can double as a drum stick!!! They really enjoy making music with Mr Dan. My class is proudly presenting their work at assembly. We read the Big Book 'The Hungry Giant'. They all have written a sentence about the Hungry Giant and his Bommy Knocker! We studied a book on ants which provided lots of great activities and utube clips. We made these ants from plastic spoons and ...