End of Term 3

Sorry everyone, this is a long one. Every blog I think that I haven't done anything interesting in the last couple of weeks, but then ……..here it is!!!! Casey and I headed out into the Great Sandy Desert/Tanami Desert for an adventure and a picnic. Lots of wild horses. The locals go out and try to catch these horses. Every now and then we will see a foal in the community. The horses are completely wild and thirsty!!!! Yes, there is a lot of nothing out there! We searched for this moderately shady spot near a dry creek. It was a lovely spot to have our picnic. My teaching is more boring than I thought. The boy in the top of the picture is actually asleep sitting up. The other one was just getting in on the act. Of ten the children come to school with very little sleep. Culture in Term 3. Our topic this term was 'Healthy Strong Spirit' A visit to the Art Centre. The locals find the Art...